Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Grapevine Studies (A REVIEW)

We had the opportunity to review The Resurrection from Grapevine Studies. I received the Multi-Level Student for my elementary aged boys, and the beginner traceable for my 5 year-old. I also received the teachers manuals. I chose The Resurrection study because of the time of year that is coming upon us, I thought it would be a great jump start into the season.

What we received was a digital copy through email of these books, and I printed them up. They are pretty thick at 57 pages for each of the student books, and 37 pages for the teachers book. There are physical books available for more if printing is not an option. I put the printed up books into a 3-ring binder for each child so that it would be easy to keep their papers together.


What is this study? Well, basically it is drawing stick figures as you read through the Bible. It is a way to help the children really understand short sections of scripture, and be engaged in what is happening. We use the King James Version so this is a really neat way for us to slow down and let the children take it in, and draw some pictures!

Alex (5 years) is trying to trace some figures on his timeline. He insisted on using that thick marker, and did more of a coloring session than a stick figure drawing session. Other pages he did really well with the stick figures though! LOL

We chose to do this study for our morning scripture time a few days a week. I would read the selected scriptures to the children for the lesson we were on, and then draw an example of the stick figure on a white board for them to "copy" if they wanted, or they could be creative and come up with their own way of depicting it.

Aric showing me his "last supper" picture. I don't remember exactly what was being depicted at the last supper though.
Each lesson is split up into a timeline review, the main part of the lesson (which is a full page or 2 with 4 boxes to draw stick figures in), and a drawing review (drawing your favorite part of the lesson). Apparently I didn't get more pictures of the actual pages like I thought. The lessons are pretty easy to follow, and we could break it up into about 15 minutes per day if we needed to.

This is Aric's "Judas identified" picture. Jesus is handing the sop to Judas.
There are many other studies of people, times, and places that can be purchased through Grapevine Studies. Some look really interesting to try like Esther, the birth of Jesus, and Ruth.

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

Overall I think this is a fun way to study the bible. I have recently started a doodle through the scriptures study for myself (not this particular one), and I have to say it really helps me to stop and think more than I normally would. Furthermore, drawing really helps me to see things differently sometimes. Putting an image to words isn't always easy especially with scriptures, but this certainly helps. I also loved that we could use our own version of the Bible. All the verses to be read were simply listed, and we could look them up in our own preferred bible. One more plus was the lesson review questions at the end of each lesson. It makes for some good discussion with the children about what's happening as well.

One thing I had a hard time with was the different levels, and trying to do them at the same time. The beginner was too different from the multi-student, so my littlest guy didn't have all the same "boxes" to fill in. Some were the same, and some were different. I would probably not bother getting a different level for him next time, especially since I drew all the examples for him. The ability to trace for him was a very nice feature though.

If you would like to read more reviews about this product you can click on the banner below!

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost