Saturday, March 12, 2016

Science Saturday

We have had some fun science happenings over the last few weeks, and I wanted to share.

First we have oobleck, or non-newtonian fluid for some messy fun. It's basically cornstarch and water mixed together. April is learning about the layers of the earth in detail right now, and this was one of her experiments! I thought it was pretty cool that it was an experiment in her book, and all the kids had fun with it for a day. I just let the mess be for a few hours until they were all done.


We also watched some YouTube videos of this stuff. We watched one where college students made a huge tub (like pool size), and walked on it. Now April wants to try. Not sure about all the cornstarch that would waste, but it does sound kind of fun.


This stuff feels so weird. Even I had fun sticking my hands in it a few times.


So, the properties of this non-newtonian liquid makes it so you can punch it, and it won't splash or let your hand come through. It suddenly gets hard. Aaron demonstrated that several times, and I think he like the punching part for some reason :)


For a nature study we looked at crocuses in February when they were up and beautiful and telling us that spring is just around the corner.


I even made a nature study page. I am hoping to make my own pages more often.


Aric decided he wanted to look closely at them.


A few weeks ago our library had a Maker's fair. We decided to go check it out and see what it was all about. They had never done this before, but it was pretty fun. I hope they do it again. Just cause we love science.


They had a room with different building projects. One was building with toothpicks and jelly beans. I'd never thought to use jelly beans. They held up pretty good.


In another room there were some other stations like knitting, whirlygigs, straw rockets, etc. Aaron loved the paracord bracelet station. In fact, I'm pretty sure it made this whole outing much more fun for him.


Alex really liked the LEGO building table, and pretty much spent a lot of time there.



1 comment:

  1. I have a picture of April from the Maker Faire. I'll dig it up and get it to you. :)


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost