I am thankful for friends. Today we listened to a great talk by Hank Smith called "I love my friends" and it just got me to thinking how much friends can really be great. Alex is making a t-shirt for his best friend for our upcoming camping trip with her and her family. He was so excited to make a shirt for her. So, I'm thankful for friends.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
One More Story (A REVIEW)
One More Story Homepage We received a one year subscription to One More Story with access to many great children's picture books. |
First, The child chooses a book from the "shelf" as if they are choosing the real book as it looks in real life. |
Once the child has picked a book from the shelf they have the option to choose "I can read," or go straight to vocabulary. Clicking the green arrow starts the story. |
An example of a page in the story Sidney Won't Swim. The words are highlighted as they are read. |
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
LEGO ABCs: H is for Harry Potter
It's time for the Letter H this week! I'm excited to share what we built this week, but first lets talk about last week's posts. If you haven't yet, you should visit the link-up to see all of the Letter G posts from last week, they are all good reads. I keep saying it every week, but I'm learning a lot! I'm learning more about the American civil war, composers, homeschooling tips and advice, and so much more. Here are a few of the posts just to give a glimpse.
Featured posts from last week's Letter G:
- Geography from Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
- Homeschool Tips - Leter G from Ellen @ Homeschooling Highway
- Going to the movies (American Civil War movies) from Kristen @ A Mom's Quest to Teach
This week I chose for the Letter H LEGO build, Harry Potter. This was an easy decision as we have many Harry fans in this house, and many old sets to choose from. We also have so many minifig characters. I just love minifigs and their personalities, and the ones from HP are just so fun.
Just a note: I know there are some who do not like the Harry Potter books or anything to do with magic, and I completely understand that. And I understand if you choose not to read this post. Please come back next week though!
Harry Potter game collage |
I dug out the instructions from our bin of old instruction manuals |
Hagrid's Hut: Buckbeak's Rescue |
Harry, Ron, and Hermione |
Hagrid and Buckbeak |
The executioner and the Minister of Magic |
The inside of the hut |
Wii Harry Potter game Years 5-7 |
That's about it for the letter H! Thanks for reading/looking at all of our builds this week.
Desiree @ Our Homeschool Notebook: All of my current ABC posts
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses: H is for Homeschool Bloggers
- Your post must be family-friendly. We have the right to remove any posts that are inappropriate.
- When linking up you agree to give us permission to share your post or a photo in any future blog posts and social media shares.
- Please link back to the host or co-hosts blog, and use the image if you want.
- If you can, check out a few other posts in the link-up and leave some comment love.
- Please, make sure your posts relate to the alphabet or blogging through the alphabet in some way. Evergreen content (past posts that relate) is also welcome.
- The link-up will be available for one week for each letter.
- Last of all, have fun. If you can’t join for one week, don’t stress. Just join next time, and enjoy!
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Painting April's Room
*This actually happened over spring break back in March*
Posting about this has been overlooked for a few months now! Back in March April asked if she could paint her room. I said sure! The whole house pretty much needs a repaint anyway, and this is one of the rooms that hadn't been painted since we moved in almost 16 years ago. She also wanted to do a fun design, and we let her do that too.
April made plans and picked colors (with okay/input from us). We went to Bi-mart and a really nice lady mixed all these colors for us. She didn't even get annoyed that we had so many to mix. Actually, she wanted us to come back and show her a picture of the results. I still need to do that!
See the old color on the wall in the picture below. It's a tannish/grayish color. Our whole house interior was painted in this color when we bought the house. She opted for a very light green color as the base coat. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but it's so much more cheery.
It felt so good to cover up those old dirty tannish walls! And, it turned out so cool.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
My Weekly Notebook: Testing, KiwiCo crates, and baseball reading
Life this week...
Our weeks have gotten a little quieter now that co-op has ended. It was just a pretty regular week around here with one extra day to be home and not have to go anywhere. It was nice.
Homeschool this week...
Monday and Tuesday were Maps testing days. This is just a test to gauge where they are at in relation to their peers. Our charter requires this test if we choose not to submit work samples. We are given the choice for each quarter to submit work samples or do Maps testing. Two of the quarters this school year I submitted work samples, and 2 of the quarters I just had the boys do the testing. So glad to have that done and out of the way! I'm also thankful that we can do this testing from home. The book that is open is my reading while I sit with them during the testing sessions.
The rest of the homeschool week consisted of a lot of fun science! I ordered several KiwiCo kits for the boys to do over the summer, so they decided to do them all in one week! Aric got a box of 4 different chemistry kits and he just couldn't wait to dig in. And really, they didn't do all of them, I think there is one left. I think he enjoyed this Fire Lab the most.
These kits from KiwiCo come with everything you need, including safety gear. He really didn't need anything from me! The directions guide the student through every single step. It was fun to watch him. And, I loved that he read all the explanations too. He told me that he really liked the explanations because it helped him to understand what he was doing.
Going through the beginning steps to get used to the fire and process. There were some real chemicals in this one, so he's got his gloves and goggles on.
Getting the real fire ready for the fun part, the chemicals that make the different colored flames.
I love how organized this kid is when it comes to these kits. He does this with the building crates too.
Reviews we are working on...
We just started today with a review that involves us making a timeline. I'm pretty excited about this one because I've been wanting to have the boys start filling in their timeline books.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Alex had an extra session of parkour this week, a 2-hour nerf battle. He loved it.
Things I'm working on...
I am preparing for camping this week. We'll spend most of the week packing. I'm also working on a few Harry Potter LEGO things for our next blogging through the alphabet post.
Random things the kids worked on...
We picked up a new set of sidewalk chalk for the summer with so many color choices...
So, April made her first sidewalk chalk art for all to enjoy on our front patio. It has lasted the whole week.
Something I accomplished...
I finally got around to fixing the tiny rip on a pocket of a hoodie jacket that belongs to Aric. I also fixed Alex's baseball pants that completely unraveled at the waist after the first wear and wash. It was nice to make the pile on my sewing desk smaller.
What we're reading...
Books about Baseball. It was pretty cool that both of these books related a story of baseball from world war 2. I didn't realize that when I put them on hold.
Movies we watched...
I watched the 2nd to last Marvel movie, Avengers Infinity War, before I can finally watch Wanda Vision. I'm still kinda amazed that I've made it through all of the Marvel movies. A lot of things make so much more sense now!
Games we played...
It's not much, but we played ping pong on a really tiny table (aka our white board). It was pretty hard. We dream of having a ping pong table, but definitely don't have the space for one. So, for now, we play this way.
I'm cooking...
I know I cooked this week, but I sure can't remember what. I didn't cook it, but we had Panda's Express on Saturday night for Aaron's birthday dinner. It was so good!
I'm grateful for...
The beauty of nature outside and all around.
That wraps up this week, and just in time for the new week! Hope yours was great!
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Preparing for a family camping trip
It's that time of year for some camping! I've posted a lot about our camping trips after they happened, but I've never posted about the before. I thought it'd be fun to share some of the before happenings this season.
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for people that love to do family history. I was able to find a lot of names and dates quickly today that I didn...
Our week about owls included rowing Owl Moon by Jane Yolen, some unit studies, and nature study so I'm just going to put it all here in ...
We had a chance to try out a Language arts program from Eclectic Foundations . This particular language arts curriculum appealed to me b...
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew Need some help and encouragement teaching your kids a...