Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thankful Thursday: Friends

I am thankful for friends. Today we listened to a great talk by Hank Smith called "I love my friends" and it just got me to thinking how much friends can really be great. Alex is making a t-shirt for his best friend for our upcoming camping trip with her and her family. He was so excited to make a shirt for her. So, I'm thankful for friends.



  1. What age would you recommend is the earliest kids can do tie-dyed t-shirts? 15 years or more ago I did them with camp kids ranging in age from 6 -9 and it seemed to be a disaster. I wonder if that was b/c it was two adults with 20 kids.

    1. My kiddo here is 10. We used the squirt bottles from the tulip kit, and that made it so simple. I could see how having 20 kids with 2 adults could be a disaster. I worked with each of my kids individually to make their shirts just for lack of space. I think even younger kids could really do this method of tie-dying with a small group though. It's so easy!


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost