Wednesday, May 12, 2021

LEGO ABCs: F is for Farm

Time for week 6 of blogging through the alphabet! This week is the letter F, and we'll be talking about all things relating to the letter F. Co-host Chareen is giving us all kinds of great homeschooling advice in her ABC series, and this week is For the Children's Sake. I will be talking about a different kind of LEGO farm, and I'm sure we'll have some other great topics with other's linking up. Some features from last week's Letter E link up:

Join us this week for the Letter F!

LEGO Minecraft set: The Wool Farm

This week's build did not go as planned. When we decided on building a farm we didn't realize how hard that would really be, and we didn't give nearly enough time to allow for that to happen. We wanted to build a realistic looking farm with a barn, a chicken coop, a farmhouse, and maybe even a pond. That was way too ambitious for us. We started with the chicken coop, and that was okay, but it took us nearly a whole afternoon to get just that together. So, with time running out I had to figure out a quicker farm to build. We needed something with all the pieces readily available, and not to difficult. I did some searching on the internet to see if I could find some simpler directions for a build, and I came across this Minecraft LEGO Wool Farm set. I decided that would be fun to build with Alex while he builds on his new Minecraft set that he got recently. We had a lot of fun building Minecraft together, and he loved that I was building Minecraft, of all things, with him. (He is kinda crazy about Minecraft right now)

Alex built his new set while I built The Wool Farm.

It's always exciting opening a new box of LEGO's. 


I built the sheep and the sheep shearer first. This is definitely a different kind of farm than I had in mind, but still fun!


For some reason I didn't get a picture of any of the building process or our spread on the table, but after about an hour of building we were done! He finished his castle, and I finished The Wool Farm. 


Alex really liked the stepping stones in the water.


After I finished I realized that we also had a Minecraft Bee farm too. Alex built this one a few months ago, and we still had it together on the shelf so I'm adding it to our "Farm." The bees are fun.


That bee farmer is even dressed like a bee. Buzz! Buzz!


Now I have my very own Minecraft set. Not what I expected for the outcome of the build this week, but it still turned out to be a great bonding time building with one of my boys and that's all that matters!

Now it's your turn to share! Please join co-host Chareen and me as we blog through the alphabet and link-up below:

LetterF mainabcimage

**Rules for linking up:
  1. Your post must be family-friendly. We have the right to remove any posts that are inappropriate. 
  2. When linking up you agree to give us permission to share your post or a photo in any future blog posts and social media shares. 
  3. Please link back to the host or co-hosts blog, and use the image if you want. 
  4. If you can, check out a few other posts in the link-up and leave some comment love. 
  5. Please, make sure your posts relate to the alphabet or blogging through the alphabet in some way. Evergreen content (past posts that relate) is also welcome. 
  6. The link-up will be available for one week for each letter. 
  7. Last of all, have fun. If you can’t join for one week, don’t stress. Just join next time, and enjoy!


  1. I love Minecraft lego. It's so cute. I really love the little animals. Those bees are super cute.

    1. The Minecraft Lego sets are growing on me. They weren't my favorite before, but now that I've built one myself I think I really like them.

  2. I am not sure if my comment went through - the screen refreshed - but I wanted to say how much I like those two Minecraft sets. The giant sheep is so cute. And the bee one! Adorable.

  3. Having been a beekeeper, I love those little bees. I love the sheep too. They're just all cute.

    1. Yay for beekeepers! Much braver than I am! They are pretty cute! Although Alex would be annoyed at me for using cute to describe Minecraft, lol.

  4. Oh, I wish I could see the images, it sounds like a great build! Minecraft is cool . My son still enjoys it at almost 16.

    1. You can't see the images Annette? Do you mean the pictures?? I wonder what's going on? Sorry for whatever it is you're not seeing!


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost