Monday, October 12, 2015

Lego club for homeschoolers (A review)

At the beginning of the summer I signed Aric up for an online Lego club for homeschoolers at Currclick. He has had a lot of fun, and honestly I have too, so I thought I'd do a little review of our experience with this club.

What I have loved about each month's build that we have participated in is how it sparks some new creativity that has somehow been lost with all the lego pieces. But, as we round up all the pieces we need for a new build somehow the Legos come alive again, and they are out more.

Here's how the club works:
  • First you sign up. It is free to join, but what costs is the Lego pieces for each build. You have options of using your own Legos if you have a large collection to find all the pieces (most are pretty common pieces but not always the right colors), we have done this. Or, you have the option to order the kits through the instructor, and we have done this once, but it is expensive.
  • Then you get an email with all the meeting info and theme for the next month. The parts lists are on the course site to be printed up if needed to find the pieces.
  • Then, you join one of the live sessions with all your pieces ready, and there is usually a short lesson about the theme with interesting facts and movies.

 Here are some of the past builds:

May 2015: Rainforests


June 2015: Bears


 October 2015: Sharks


We were even inspired at one point to try and sort all our Legos by color so it would be easier to find the pieces we need. We didn't get very far before the boys lost interest, but it was a good effort!


 For next months build (Dr. Who theme) we decided to hit up a local Bricks and Minifigs store that sells used Legos.  We can buy a small bucket for $8, and that is a much better deal than the kit. We were able to find about half of what we needed today, and we're hoping to find the rest in our own collection. April is excited to do this one since she is a big Dr. Who fan, so she was helping too.


 Here is a glimpse of the Lego club in action. Aric is doing the shark build for this month. He was so excited to do it that he just watched the previous recording rather than waiting for the next live session. They usually have 4 live sessions a month  (once a week) so that there is lots of opportunity if times don't work for you, but it is an option to watch it pre-recorded too.


 For the most part we have been very happy with this online club. All the themes are fun and creative, and my boy plays with his creations for quite a while afterwards. I also like that the instructor designs the builds herself, and will take suggestions for themes. The only drawback to this club is the cost and time of finding the pieces if you aren't ordering the pre-made kit. But, I find a lot of value in searching out old Legos, especially for the kids. They can find a lot of usefulness out of old Legos and see that a new boxed set isn't always necessary to make a cool build.

Disclosure: I was not asked or paid to do this review. I am just giving an honest opinion about something that we use in our homeschool. I'm also practicing for future reviews that I hope to do! Thanks for reading.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost