Thursday, March 11, 2021

Handbook for Writers (A REVIEW)

Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew

I love to write. It's something that I've always loved to do, and want to improve on. And, it is definitely something that takes practice, knowledge, and skill acquired through many lessons and sources. Now my children are learning this writing thing in their school years, and I hope to help them in the best way possible, and maybe even pass on that love of writing to them. To help me in this educational endeavor (and for myself), I am excited to have and share this resource from Everyday Education. It is Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers.

Cover: Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers

We received the ebook version for this review, but I plan to print it up to have for a reference for years to come. It will just take a little bit of time because it's over 400 pages long, and I will need to print it in chunks! The book is available to order as either an ebook or a print copy. I think having an ebook version is nice for when working at the computer individually, but having the paper copy will help when working with my children.

Everyday Education website where the Handbook can be ordered as well as other great Literature resources.

So what is inside this Writer's Handbook? The book is broken up into 2 sections: Part 1:Introduction to Essays and Arguments, and Part 2:Introduction to Usage and Style. Within those parts, there are sections that are broken down even further into different individual topics. So many topics. There are hundreds of pages of instruction and examples to help a student/writer write a great paper or guide a teacher/parent through correcting and editing of papers.

The table of contents is many pages long and helps the student/teacher find exactly the topics needed.

This book is so informative and useful. There are tips, instructions, tools, examples, and even a few exercises that put what was just explained into action. There are topics that cover the basics like Capitalization, and there are very complex topics like "The Challenge of Shakespeare's Work." There are so many great things to read and gain an understanding of for writing, and I think this Handbook does an amazing job of bringing so much of writing together in one place all the while making it easy to read and very user friendly. A great tool for students and even adults!

An exercise in reading the opening paragraphs of an essay to determine which sample best conveys the topics/arguments covered in the paper.

How did I use this and how will I continue to use it? I have been reading it myself to prepare to use this for my high schooler when he is ready. I am also reading it to better myself as a writer, completing the exercises as I read. I am looking forward to reading the sections as I continue to print them out and ultimately I will bind them and put them together for a full reference book to use with my boys as they move up in their writing. Right now none of my boys are thrilled to sit and read it cover to cover with me, but as I read through sections I will find important things to share with them that will help throughout their studies.

What do I think of this Writer's Handbook? I think it is very well organized. I love that I can find a specific topic very fast in the contents at the beginning. I love that it covers so much. I never realized how much there is to great writing. This brought to my attention some things I've never even considered or learned. I am thrilled that I can fill in those gaps for my writing and make sure not to miss them with my kids. It's a great reference tool and guide.

Would you like to see what other Review Crew members thought of this Handbook? Click on the banner below to see how they used it and what they have to say.

Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers {Everyday Education Reviews}

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  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost