Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Reading Game (A REVIEW)

 Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew


I am a big fan of using games of all types in our homeschool. There are so many valuable lessons to be learned through games, and so many different ways to learn them. I would definitely say I'm an avid collector of games for this reason alone, so I was very excited to add The Reading Game, 2nd Edition from Allsaid & Duun, LLC to my collection. Although my kids are all out of the learning to read stage, it was good practice for my 4th grader, and still a lot of fun for him!

The Reading Game comes in a sturdy box full of books and cards to play to learn to read!

This game comes with 6 sets of colored cards, 6 readers/books to correspond with each color set, instructions, and picture cards with captions that also correspond with each color set.  

All the colorful matching game cards and corresponding picture/caption cards

The readers/books to go with each color set of cards.

Each card color set has 6 stages, and with each stage the child learns 5 new words. As the child masters the words in each stage through playing a matching game, and reading the corresponding picture cards and books, they quickly learn to read through playing without even realizing they are learning. It is important that an adult or tutor plays this game with the child to help them read and recognize the words. 

The first level of cards to play is the red set that corresponds with book 1, skunk.

To play the game we started with book 1 (skunk), which is the set of red cards. To start we sorted the cards into piles 1-6. Then we played a matching game with each stage of the red cards starting with #1, and worked our way up to stage #6. As we played each stage we read the picture cards with sentences to reinforce the words that were just learned. Then after the whole set of cards was mastered we read the skunk book. After the red set, we would work our way through all the other sets over the course of a week, with the words getting just a little bit bigger as we move up.

There are 10 cards laid out for each matching game, for a total of 5 words learned in each stage.
Finding the matches is a fun challenge.

 As the child tries to make a match the words are repeated which reinforces the sounds and recognition of the words. Children also love the challenge and fun of trying to find the matches.

The picture cards are read all throughout the game to reinforce the words as they are learned.

Overall this is a really great game and one that I wish I had when my boys were first learning to read. I think this would have been much preferred by them over some of the reading lessons we did. I love the simplicity of this game, and I love that it teaches the child to read at the same time. Want to see what others had to say about this game? Click on the banner below to find more reviews.
The Reading Game, 2nd Edition {Allsaid & Duun, LLC Reviews}
Do you want a chance to win a copy of the game for yourself? You can also head over to the Homeschool Review Crew Blog to enter the giveaway! They are giving away 5 games! Go enter! The give away ends on March 15.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost