Friday, March 26, 2021

This is how we garden

I love gardens and flowers, but I'm not very good at keeping them. I don't tend to them enough and most things die by mid-summer. But I can do a few things, and I've discovered that I do better with things in pots. So, we found some pots and soil at Costco, freshened up our already existing pots with some new dirt, and picked up some flowers at a local garden center. Alex was my helper. He loves gardening, perhaps a bit more than me. He wanted to get planting right away.


Alex planted the strawberries. He had a pot with strawberries last summer and wanted to have them again.


The Costco pots fit nicely on our front patio. We still have one pot to fill. 


This wooden pot is at the front of the patio, and I love to put some color in it. Usually, it's pansies.


I have an indoor plant-loving daughter who is freshening up and replanting some of our indoor plants. We picked up some new pots and she painted them with some fun designs. The left pot is for our aloe plant to be replanted into, and the right pot is for that "swiss cheese" plant to go into. 


We don't have a lot of window/sun exposure so we have very few indoor plants. This one has been relocated to the living room from the window sill kitchen. We are hoping this will be a good space for it so it can be out where more people can enjoy it.


So, that's how we garden! It's not a lot, but it's what we can handle for now. I don't know if we'll have a food/vegetable garden this summer. The space we have for it needs to be tilled and it's a mess right now. I think I'd also like to build new garden boxes, but I am not sure I have the energy for that at the moment.

Thankful for pots for now! 

March 2021 Social Media Challenge Graphic
I am linking this up to The Homeschool Review Crew's weekly social media challenge.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost