Friday, March 19, 2021

My Weekly Notebook: holidays, camping, life

Life this week...

I love holidays. Even the little ones like Pi day and St. Patrick's Day. Those were both on different days this week, and I pretty much failed to do the things I wanted to do for both. On Sunday I had a super mega migraine, so no pie was baked or consumed that day. Then St. Patty's day was on Wednesday. That's my busiest day of the week with co-op so I didn't get the things planned and ready, and nothing seemed to be working out for me that day. I should say, there were a few things that turned out well. We wore our green and ate lucky charms for breakfast! Not all was lost. But for the things that were lost, we made up for those on Thursday. I was finally able to get all the ingredients for the stew April and I had planned to make, and I finally got the pie made and baked to eat for dessert. All the food was delicious, and I am glad I finally got pie.

We've had this book for a few years and have hoped to get to recipes every year at St. Patrick's Day time. We finally made 2 of the recipes this year, Beef and Guinness stew and Classic Brown Soda Bread.

It doesn't look great for presentation, but the stew was delicious. We had mashed potatoes on the side. This stew does not have any potatoes, instead, it is served with mashed potatoes and works like gravy.

April's soda bread. It was good!
Blueberry pie for our belated Pi day dessert

Homeschool this week...

I think we're all ready for Spring break because we had a hard time focusing on school this week. Alex learned to draw Tom Nook from Animal Crossing on Art for Kids Hub last week, so he wanted to make it into a canvas this week. He did it all from memory and added in the details himself. He was pretty proud of his work. Now it's up on the wall!


Reviews we are working on...

A lot! We have some math programs, paper dolls, a biography, art, and mock court. I am looking forward to sharing a lot of fun reviews over the next few weeks.

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

The Homeschool Review Crew Blog is sharing all about the Perfect Picnic this week. There are a few who have shared what  they think a "perfect picnic" might be like for their family.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We went camping in a yurt last weekend at the dunes/coast. It was so nice to be outdoors! Yes, it is a bit chilly still, but that's why we had a yurt- to warm up! I will have a post all about that soon.

The yurt we stayed in. It's so nice to have a warm place to go inside. It was about 45-50 degrees during the day.

My favorite thing this week was...

Delivering St. Patrick's Day treats to some friends. I called it a St. Patrick's Day survival kit.


Things I'm working on...

I am learning the Ukulele! I am finally working through an online course that I purchased on Groupon about a year ago. I am also doing a 6-week adult ukulele class. I am loving it, and so excited to be actively learning an instrument myself.

Movies we watched... 

Moving along in my Marvel movie series, I watched Guardians of the Galaxy on Friday night.

Games we played...

I played Aggravation with Alex one night.

I'm cooking...

Besides the small celebration meal I didn't cook much else this week. I think I made fajitas one night, and spaghetti another.

I'm grateful for...

The sounds of nature that bring so much peace.

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