Friday, April 16, 2021

ARTistic Pursuits (A REVIEW)

 Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

Artistic Pursuits Logo

We have had the opportunity to use another great course from ARTistic Pursuits. The book/course we received this time is Beginner Level, Art Core 1, Drawing with Graphite Pencils for 4th grade and up. I really enjoy the simplicity of these books and the lessons contained. The cover of the book is warm and inviting.

Cover: Drawing with Graphite Pencils

The book that we received for review is a physical hard-backed book containing a DVD and a Blu-Ray. We also received online access to the course videos.

This course comes with a DVD and a Blu-Ray for the video portion of a unit.

There are 9 units, and each unit is broken up into 4 sections with a project for each section, making a total of 36 projects. I like that each unit in this course is broken up into first a video, second creativity, third American Art Appreciation and History, and fourth the Master Lesson.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 starts with drawing basic lines for outlines.

After I obtained some ebony pencils we were ready to start with our first Unit which introduces drawing lines. We watched the video and did the first project which was drawing an object's lines to make the outline. It seemed easy enough that I even did it with the kids, but it wasn't as easy as it looks! Here are our drawings:

Alex, 4th grade, picked drawing the Switch video game console.
Mom drew an Xbox remote and a LEGO, and took some notes from the video lesson.
Aric, 7th grade, drew a tape dispenser and one of his Beyblades.

The American Art Appreciation and History portion of unit 1 was learning about George Caitlin. Here is a notebook page my 4th grader made about him. It is not a requirement to make a notebook page, but there is a good portion of reading about George Caitlin in the lesson along with a picture to study, so I thought it would be good for retaining information to have them complete a note page. The project for this lesson is also included in this page spread, in the very middle of the picture page. It's a drawing of some lines of a cloth.
A notebook page about George Caitlin, the artist studied in the first unit.

One thing that I really liked this time, that we've never had before, is access to the videos/courses online. Sometimes a DVD/Blu-Ray player is not available on our computers, so it's nice that it can still be accessible with internet access on a computer. All of the videos are accessible there as well as some extra hints and tips for drawing videos.

What it looks like when I sign into the online access of ARTistic Pursuits part of the course.

As you can see I really like ARTistic Pursuits. I have quite the growing collection of their books now, and I keep them around for reference/use in our homeschool all year long. All of it is such good quality, the book itself with its beautiful artwork/pictures and thick pages, the videos are nice, and the information presented is interesting. I would highly recommend any of the ARTistic Pursuits courses. In fact, the Homeschool Review Crew team tried several different books out. You can click on the banner below and see what others had to say about this and many more books/courses from ARTistic Pursuits.

ARTistic Pursuits Drawing

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost