Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday Science: Circuits

One of Alex's first science experiments in his new Bookshark science curriculum was to make a tiny lightbulb light up with a piece of foil and create a circuit. It took him a little while to figure out, but he was successful and very happy.


After that experiment, I realized we had this game, Circuit Maze, sitting on our shelf, and that we'd only played 1 or 2 times unsuccessfully. So, I pulled it out, and together we figured it out. Once we figured out that all the LED's actually do work we started on the first challenge. 

That's all it took, and he was requesting the next challenge and the next until he finished 10 challenges and I told him we needed to move on to the next thing for school. He was rocking the challenges and probably would have kept going if I had let him.






That wraps up this easy science lesson!

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