I am going old school. Back to the prompts of the old Homeschool Mother's Journal. I really like it that way. It gives me something to reflect on each week, and helps me to to talk more. I can do pictures really good, but sometimes I don't talk much here. I need to do that more.
Life this week...
I ended up having a really bad allergy day on Tuesday. It made me really sleepy, sneezy, itchy eyes, and foggy headed. On our drive up to Summit for testing I even had to pull the van over and get out to walk around because I was so drowsy. It didn't help that I had to take Sudafed because my allergies were so bad (I only take that stuff when absolutely necessary). Having that bad allergy day left me pretty drained and behind the rest of the week. It kind of stinks how losing one day can just throw the whole week off.
Homeschool this week...
We didn't do much other than math and science, and reading. We had our most productive morning on Friday morning before our library time. It was great, then the week was over. We have a lot of reviews going right now, Spanish for Alex, Latin for Aric, a biography, etc. Other than that not much else to report on the school "work" front.
Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...
Summer's almost here, hold on a few more weeks! (that's what I keep telling myself)
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We had our last co-op class on Wednesday. Next week is a field day, and then we are done for this school year! I am excited for things to start winding down.
We learned about Guatemala in Alex's last class, and made homemade tortillas. The Mom that taught the class has a husband that is from Guatemala, so she had some experience and information to share with the children. We had fun traveling around the world this school year. We had a foreign exchange student teach us about Germany, another Mom taught us about Egypt (she traveled there for several months). It was an enriching year. Aaron's class ended up as a field trip class, so he had a fun field trip every week for the last few months. He loved that.
We also had fun at the library with our Woodburn homeschool friends playing games. We brought Tenzi, and the boys played the "twenzi" (twenty dice) version.
My favorite thing this week was...
Getting my hair
permed. It was wild and crazy and thrilling and exciting. I am glad I did it.
My kids' favorite thing this week was...
Spending Friday lunch at Pietro's pizza with some friends. I met up with my good friend to talk about life and stuff, and the kids played tons of games. I didn't get a single picture. I was just trying to be there and listen, and not worry about anything else. It was good.
Things I'm working on...
Switching over to a completely electronic calendar. I may possibly be doing a review for an online homeschool planner, but right now I am just using the trial version to see how it goes. I like not having to write things in every week, but sometimes I get a little antsy that it's not on paper. What's your preference, paper or electronic?
Something I accomplished...
I can't think of anything except watching several episodes of Gilmore Girls with April. I need to start accomplishing more!
What we're reading...
I am reading
I Know How She Does It – How Successful Women Make The Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam. It's a book that was recommended for me to read to go along with some time management stuff. I am intrigued by this book, because I often wonder how some women do so much. I am not sure I'll relate to much of what's in this book because it talks mostly about how working women handle work and family and life. But, I think there'll be something in there for me, I hope.
I'm cooking...
I made Hamburger soup, and we pretty much ate it for leftovers all week. It was delicious. The hubby made me a yummy Mother's Day dinner of Beef Brisket that was delicious. I made some clean eating oatmeal one morning, and I put fruit and nuts in it which I never do. It was only sweetened with honey and it had egg whites in it. It was interesting, but pretty good.
My oatmeal, and I was even able to get some scripture reading in that morning. |
What's working/not working for me...
Having boxes of books in the front room is not working for me. I am hoping to figure out where to put all these books soon while I go through them.
Questions/thoughts I have...
Carpet or hardwood? We have had this debate for a while, and it's coming time to need to replace our flooring. We walked around Lowe's for date night on Saturday and looked at both. Both have their benefits, and both can be equally expensive. We just aren't sure which one. So many possibilities!
I'm grateful for...
Being a mother. It has been a nice Mother's day weekend. I wish I would have gotten at least one picture with my kiddos though! I am so grateful for my kids and the gift that each one is to me.
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